A lifestyle blog about all the things I love - fashion, glamour, epicure, pop culture, travel, literature and the world of sernedipity.

My lipstick smudges and I straighten my hair way too much. I spill things a lot and have an obsession with making lists. I'm pretty ambitious but sometimes I have a lazy heart. Some days nothing goes right and some days the best blessings are not getting what you want!

Enjoy my musings...

Thursday, April 14, 2011

"Nobody ever died of laughter." (Max Beerbohm)

The Melbourne International Comedy Festival is in full force at the moment… the city is filled with hysterical laughter and cynicism… well those of us that are somewhat attempting to be cultured are! Those who know me know that I am somewhat of a control freak when it comes to entertainment… not something to be proud of at all. But lately I have little carefactor (I went to Xanadu  The Musical for goodness sake!) and am letting others decide the time and place. So when Danny Bhoy tickets were purchased I went with the flow even though I knew I may not like his humour and he has become a little too mainstream for me. He packed out the Arts Centre to his credit but the show it lacked something… a spark. I didn’t pay forty bucks for him to just stand there and watch him look good and imitate the Aussie accent… I want to laugh till I can’t breathe… which I can do for free most days of the week!

A few weeks ago whilst hanging out at my new favourite place the Comic’s Lounge, I was lucky enough to see over ten comedians. I walked out of the place with mascara all over my check bones from tears of laughter. So these are the comedians I am recommending at the festival:
Laughter is the best medicine for everything and according to my Dad it is great for the heart!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

"You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else." (Albert Einstein)

Yesterday I got home to find my answering machine flashing with two messages. One message was my usual mate from India always asking for the same person... dude I have been telling you for the past two years that I don't know Silvia and I am not Silvia... The other message was from a good friend and she was mad... not just angry, shirty, irritated... but M-A-D!!! Initially I thought oh my gawd... what have I done and the past ten years flashed through my mind... no I am clear as... I replayed the message and between all the profanities I made out that someone had let her down and she wanted to talk!

I jumped on her facebook before calling her back... "Every dog has its day" status update. You know you mean business when you start using the dog word. So hesitantly I called her back with the receiver not too close to my ears and listened attentively as only a good friend does... this is not her blog and although the story was extremely riveting, unfortunately it is not mine to tell to the cyber world. What I can disclose is that someone she thought would never let her down... well they let her down bigtime.

How bad does it feel to be let down? To expect things from people and feel disappointment when they do not deliver? To realise someone you care about really does not care if you are happy or not? To feel that someone only wants you in their life because of what YOU bring to THEIR life and what YOU can do for THEM? I could go on for a little while... LOL We have all been there but when it suddenly hits you in the face, well hell have no fury like a woman scorned. So my friend was pretty furious and uttered something along the lines of when will I ever learn... She so wanted to be bitter and hate the world but after thirty minutes of coaxing and empathising she realised that you just got to take a deep breath, take the situation for what it is and let it go. You also got to block that person off your facebook immediately!!! (OUCH:)!!!!)

So sometimes we never learn... we make the same mistake over and over again... so what? There will always be someone to help you pick up the pieces and make you laugh again... and one day when you least expect it you may even be able to tell that story to a group of friends over dinner and make them cry with laughter about how you got the ultimate revenge without even trying!!! (OUCH:)!!!)

Found this snippet by comedian Dave Barry. Some good advice to take on board.

Things that it toke me fifty years to learn:
1. Never under any circumstances take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night.
2. If you had to identify, in one word, the reason why the human race has not achieved, and never will achieve, its full potential, that word would be “meetings”.
3. There is a very fine line between “hobby” and “mental illness.”
4. People who want to share their religious views with you almost never want you to share yours with them.
5. And when God, who created the entire universe with all of its glories, decides to deliver a message to humanity, He WILL NOT use, as His messenger, a person on cable TV with a bad hairstyle.
6. You should not confuse your career with your life.
7. No matter what happens … somebody will find a way to take it too seriously.
8. When trouble arises & things look bad, there is always one individual who perceives a solution & is willing to take command. Very often, that person is crazy.
9. Nobody cares if you can’t dance well. Just get up and dance.
10. A person who is nice to you, but rude to the waiter, is not a nice person.
11. Never lick a steak knife.
12. Take out the fortune before you eat the cookie.
13. The one thing that unites all human beings, regardless of age, gender, religion, economic status or ethnic background, is that, deep down inside, we ALL believe that we are above average drivers.
14. You should never say anything to a woman that even remotely suggests that you think she’s pregnant unless you can see an actual baby emerging from her at that moment.
15. Your friends love you anyway.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

“My only hobby is laziness, which naturally rules out all others” (Author Unknown)

Relaunch partay! Well not quite… a few people have asked me how is that blogging thing going… well let’s face it… nonexistent this year. I even threatened to shut this cyber rant and moan thing down but the shrieks that came from one particular reader was enough for me to say ok one more chance… they know who they are!

This happens all the time in the blogging world though… bloggers vanish… consumed by their cyberless life, travel, relationships, paid jobs, passions and problems. A little indication on what's been happening in my world.

So I was speaking to a bunch of friends the other day who are avid motorcyclists… they live, breathe and dream bikes and according to them spend a lot of money on this hobby happily. Feeling a little left out of the conversation, the closest I came to riding a bike was in Thailand this year when I sat on a scooter hit the accelerator for a whole one metre take-off and was politely told by the “dealer” to give the bike back, I realized I don’t have a fanatical hobby. My friends shoke their heads when I revealed my lack of interesting hobbies… to my surprise they unanimously agreed my hobby is going out and getting dressed up… what the? Since when did that become a “hobby”? Most people brush their teeth in the morning… does that make it a hobby? After much debated discussion I realized they were kind of right… I love getting dressed up and I love going out… and it costs me money. I am definitely not the type of person who just chucks anything on and is out the door in a few minutes… and the few times I do this I live to regret it because I always bump into someone I don't want to! So here is to having a hobby and whatever it may be… from pay TV to drinking coffee to window shopping online… as long as it makes you happy and only hurts your designer wallet!

Here are some things inspiring my hobbies in no particular order and absolutely no relevance:
  • Suede ankle boots
  • Hanging out at the Comic’s Lounge
  • High-waisted skinny jeans
  • Lindt Cafe
  • Short black puffy dresses
  • Rimmel nailpolish in Black Cherry
  • Checkard shirts inspired by Farmer Wants a Wife
  • Running on the beach with one of my besties
  • Headbands with exquisite details worn with ripped jeans
  • Daily Turkish coffee
  • Victoria Secret leggings
  • Bright pink lipstick
  • Anything with black lace details
  • Swimsuits with cuts outs on the side (yes I know Summer is overrrr)
  • High fiving random people just because you are alive!