A lifestyle blog about all the things I love - fashion, glamour, epicure, pop culture, travel, literature and the world of sernedipity.

My lipstick smudges and I straighten my hair way too much. I spill things a lot and have an obsession with making lists. I'm pretty ambitious but sometimes I have a lazy heart. Some days nothing goes right and some days the best blessings are not getting what you want!

Enjoy my musings...

Thursday, October 14, 2010

No such thing as coincidences baby!

I don't believe in coincidences at all. I could go on and on about all the random and bizarre encounters I have had in my life but instead I will first tell you a story that happened to a friend of mine recently.

About two years ago Biker Chic was riding her motorbike with a bunch of friends on a road about two hours away from where she lives. She fell off her bike and seriously hurt herself. A few people helped her. It was her first EVER fall after riding for many many years. She was wearing jeans and a leather jacket. She doesn't remember much about what happened immediately after the fall and thankfully she is still beautiful and lovely and her bike is too.

*Biker Chic is an extremely responsible and careful motorbike rider and person in general. (This is a very important point!)

Fast forward two years later. Biker Chic is riding down a main road two minutes away from where she lives. She somehow manages to skid across what appeared to be oil on the road. She nearly has her second EVER accident (once again thank you for keeping her safe and sound). She stops at the nearest lights to take a deep breathe when a car pulls up right beside her. A middle aged man pulls down his window whom she believes she has never seen before.

"Hey you were once in an accident two years ago at such and such place two hours from here. I remember you and now I nearly watched you have another accident. I am glad to see that you are now wearing leather pants."

Freakkkyyyy hey? Coincidence I think not!

I am always bumping into people at the most random places ever. A few years ago I bumped into a childhood friend who lives on the other side of my city three times in the one week. We had not seen each other for well and truly over fifteen years and having the face memory of a goldfish I did not recognise him until he approached me on all three occasions. I generally have the memory of an elephant in every other aspect of my life and the lives of others and can recount the minute details of conversations, but ask me to remember a face pftt forget it! Anyways I "bumped" into this lad once at a restaurant where he was working, then at the hairdressers where he too was getting a haircut and finally at another restaurant quite a distance away  from where we both live, where we were both having separate family functions. Why three times in one week I have no idea. I have not seen him in the last ten years since that week. Rest assured this was not a lurve serendipity moment as he bats for the same team as me! This kind of thing happens to me all the time... I don't know why or how but I know for sure that it ain't a coincidence (baby!).

I am glad Biker Chic had one of those moments that those who love me constantly refer to as "that could only happen to Yellena"! She laughed it off when I suggested that observant man may indeed be her guardian angel checking up on her or maybe she has been hanging around me way too much and my strange encounters are rubbing off on her.


  1. wow! I wonder why he was there both times!!!! maybe he is one of those 'invisible' people we were talking about the other night!

    i'm glad A is ok!

  2. Freaky hey! Yeah thanks for that 'invisible' peeps chat... LOL... petrified of everyone now!
