A lifestyle blog about all the things I love - fashion, glamour, epicure, pop culture, travel, literature and the world of sernedipity.

My lipstick smudges and I straighten my hair way too much. I spill things a lot and have an obsession with making lists. I'm pretty ambitious but sometimes I have a lazy heart. Some days nothing goes right and some days the best blessings are not getting what you want!

Enjoy my musings...

Monday, October 11, 2010

Race Day Outfit: Black + White = Grey

Race Day Outfit

I am on a shopping ban so planning out my outfit based on what I already have in my humble wardrobe. I am going with a "recycled" outfit similar to what I wore two years ago. My mum's grey vintage dress from the 70s and black accessories. I am going with a bunch of girlfriends... one of whom takes the race dress code very seriously! So seriously in fact that she was horrified when one friend decided to go head piece less a few years ago! 

My Race Day Rules:
1. Heels MUST be comfy.
2. Heels MUST be worn. This is not a day for the flats EVER!
3. Do not wear an old bridemaid dress and think that it is appropriate. So many girls want to get use of that dress one more time. NO!
4. Everything in moderation people! EVERYTHING!
5. MUST wear something on your head!
6. Have fun! x

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