What is intuition? What does it mean? Does it really exist? Is there such a thing as female intuition or is that just women acting deranged for a week every month?
Intuition is, essentially, arriving at decisions or conclusions without explicit or conscious processes of reasoned thinking. I seriously do this all the time!
It is sometimes thought that intuitions are reliable, and indeed we do act most of the time without knowing why or what our reasons may be. Like when you are driving and you decide to go a slightly different route because you just do. In philosophical terms intuition is a term which denotes the alleged power of the mind to perceive or 'see' certain self-evident truths.
Intuition is furthermore the ability to get a sixth sense, vision or feeling about someone or something through symbols, feelings and emotions. It usually does not speak to us in clear language.
We all apparently have intuition. We are possibly born with it. We use it as children when we do not know any better. We go on our instinct or gut. But as we grow older and our rational and reasonable mind develops, we lose touch with our intuition/crazy thoughts. We ignore it, cast it aside forget about it as it just does not appear rational. But like an out-of-shape muscle, intuition can be strengthened and exercised (thankfully not involving a gym) back into shape.
Women accordingly have a “stronger” intuition then men. They sense things on a deeper level particularly when it involves their children, partners or family. They just know when something doesn’t sit right.
What is your intuition telling you?
If it is screaming something at you then maybe you should just listen to it.
*Mine is whispering red wine right now.
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