The Melbourne International Comedy Festival is in full force at the moment… the city is filled with hysterical laughter and cynicism… well those of us that are somewhat attempting to be cultured are! Those who know me know that I am somewhat of a control freak when it comes to entertainment… not something to be proud of at all. But lately I have little carefactor (I went to Xanadu The Musical for goodness sake!) and am letting others decide the time and place. So when Danny Bhoy tickets were purchased I went with the flow even though I knew I may not like his humour and he has become a little too mainstream for me. He packed out the Arts Centre to his credit but the show it lacked something… a spark. I didn’t pay forty bucks for him to just stand there and watch him look good and imitate the Aussie accent… I want to laugh till I can’t breathe… which I can do for free most days of the week!
A few weeks ago whilst hanging out at my new favourite place the Comic’s Lounge, I was lucky enough to see over ten comedians. I walked out of the place with mascara all over my check bones from tears of laughter. So these are the comedians I am recommending at the festival:
- Adam Rozenbachs in Singledumber
- Ben Lomas in Battle of the Bulge
Laughter is the best medicine for everything and according to my Dad it is great for the heart!
love the accompanying picture!